Choice in a Time of COVID: Immediate Enrollment Decisions in New York City and Detroit
July 26, 2023 | By Sarah Cordes, Sarah Winchell Lenhoff, Amy Ellen Schwartz, Jeremy Singer, Samantha Trajkovski
Research Partner
Dr. Sarah Cordes' research and teaching interests are in the areas of education and urban policy, school finance, and applied quantitative methods. Her research focuses on the ways in which the urban context, including neighborhoods, housing, and charter schools, affect student outcomes. In particular, her current work explores the spillover effects of NYC charter schools on nearby public school students, the effects of residential and school mobility on student performance, and how changes in school resources influence parents' investments in their children's education. In other ongoing work, she is examining the effects of housing vouchers on student performance. She is a recent recipient of the C. Lowell Harris Dissertation Fellowship awarded by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy for her work on the relationship between school resources and parental investments.
July 26, 2023 | By Sarah Cordes, Sarah Winchell Lenhoff, Amy Ellen Schwartz, Jeremy Singer, Samantha Trajkovski