The Kids on the Bus: The Academic Consequences of Diversity-Driven School Reassignments

This quasi-experimental study by Thurston Domina, Deven Carlson, James Carter III, Matthew Lenard, Andrew McEachin, and Rachel Perera examines the impacts of school reassignment in Charlotte-Mecklenberg from 2000-2011. Charlotte-Mecklenberg instituted a reform of student school reassignment based on socioeconomic factors, although students did not have to attend their reassignment school, and could instead choose to attend their previous school or attend other choice options (particularly magnet schools or year-round schools). During this period, a quarter of students experienced reassignment at some point. On average, students who were reassigned were more likely to move schools in the year of reassignment, but less likely to change schools in the following year. Students tended to move to schools that were closer to their residence, with higher math achievement and a lower proportion of Black or Hispanic students. Finally, students saw gains in math scores after the first year and these gains increased over time. There was little effect on reading scores.

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