
School Choice Policies

Charter School Choice

Does the state have charter schools?

Are for-profit charter schools or management companies allowed?


"The charter school shall be organized as a Missouri nonprofit corporation incorporated pursuant to chapter 355."

"Any entity, either public or private, operating, administering, or otherwise managing a charter school shall be considered a quasi-public governmental body and subject to the provisions of sections 610.010 to 610.035."



Is there a cap on the number of charter schools?


Charters schools may only be operated in the following areas:

  1. In a metropolitan school district;
  2. In an urban school district containing most or all of a city with a population greater than three hundred fifty thousand inhabitants;
  3. In a school district that has been classified as unaccredited by the state board of education;
  4. In a school district that has been classified as provisionally accredited by the state board of education under certain conditions;
  5. In a school district that has been accredited without provisions, sponsored only by the local school board


Are charters required to provide transportation for any students?


The state does not specify who should provide transportation to charter school students, but charter schools are eligible for state transportation aid and are free to contract with the local school district or another entity for transportation services. (160.415.9)

State law specifies that if a student is a resident of the school district in which the charter school is located but moves out of the district, parents are responsible for transportation. And if a change in school district boundary lines occurs under ... circumstances, the student's parent or legal guardian shall be responsible for the student's transportation to and from the charter school. (160.410.6)

160.410.5& 6


Can charter schools employ uncertified teachers?


"A charter school may employ noncertificated instructional personnel; provided that no more than 20% of the full-time equivalent instructional staff positions at the school are filled by noncertificated personnel. All noncertificated instructional personnel shall be supervised by certificated instructional personnel."

"The charter school may not employ instructional personnel whose certificate of license to teach has been revoked or is currently suspended by the state board of education."


Virtual School Choice

Do state statutes allow for full-time virtual schools?


"The state board of education shall establish the "Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program" to serve school-age students residing in the state. The Missouri course access and virtual school program shall offer instruction in a virtual setting using technology, intranet, and/or internet methods of communication."

161.670: Virtual schools

Are virtual schools required to track attendance?


"The department shall monitor student success and engagement of students enrolled in their program and report the information to the school district or charter school."


Do virtual schools have to comply with state teacher certification requirements?


"Missouri course access and virtual school program shall comply with all state laws and regulations applicable to school districts, including but not limited to...teacher certification."


Private School Choice

Does the state have voucher programs?


No voucher programs found.

EdChoice School Choice in America

Does the state have educational expense tuition tax credits or deductions?


No educational expense tax credits or deductions found.

EdChoice School Choice in America

Can students use vouchers to attend religious schools?

Not Applicable

Is there a cap on the number of students or private schools participating in voucher programs?

Not Applicable

Are voucher students in private schools required to take any standardized tests?

Not Applicable

Can private schools be removed from voucher programs based on performance?

Not Applicable

Are private schools in voucher programs required to provide transportation?

Not Applicable

Interdistrict School Choice

Does the state have interdistrict choice programs?


Missouri statutes allow for "enrollment option plans," through which two school districts establish a cooperative agreement to send and/or receive each other's students. However, a nonresident district may reject an application for admission by a nonresident pupil if the nonresident pupil does not live within ten miles of the nonresident district.

167.1060 also establishes the "Metropolitan Schools Achieving Value in Transfer Corporation", which implements "an urban voluntary school transfer program within a program area which shall include a city not within a county and any school district located in whole or in part in a county with a population in excess of nine hundred thousand persons which district chooses to participate."

Also, "the board of education of each district in this state that does not maintain a high school offering work through the twelfth grade shall pay tuition as calculated by the receiving district..for each pupil resident therein who has completed the work of the highest grade offered in the schools of the district and who attends an accredited public high school in another district of the same or an adjoining county."

162.1040 through 162.1059

Are receiving schools or districts required to provide transportation to any students?


Metropolitan Schools Achieving Value in Transfer Corporation:
"The board shall make provision for transportation of all the students and for payment to school districts for the education of such students."

For students attending a school other than their school of residence because their school of residence does not continue through 12th grade:
"The board of education of each district in this state that does not maintain a high school offering work through the twelfth grade shall...provide transportation consistent with the provisions of section 167.241 for each pupil resident therein who has completed the work of the highest grade offered in the schools of the district and who attends an accredited public high school in another district of the same or an adjoining county."


Page last updated: July 2024

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We’re always looking for feedback. To get in touch with our team, please email comments or questions to info@reachcentered.org. Thank you!

The State Policy Map provides a snapshot of school choice policy found in laws passed by the legislative bodies, for all 50 states and Washington, D.C., based on information gathered from state statutes in fall 2019; data checks continued through December 2020. Information on this site may not include the most up-to-date policy information. The State Policy Map does not systematically reflect state Department of Education administrative policies, rules, or regulations. All content on this site is provided for informational purposes only. Links to third-party websites are for the user’s convenience; neither REACH nor any affiliated entities endorse the contents of third-party sites.

Note: On June 30, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Montana's exclusion of religious schools from the state's tax credit scholarship program was unconstitutional (Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue 591). The responses to the question "Can students use vouchers to attend religious schools?" were collected before this ruling and therefore do not reflect any changes resulting from the Espinoza decision.