Charter School Choice
Does the state have charter schools?
Are for-profit charter schools or management companies allowed?
"A charter school may organize as a nonprofit corporation pursuant to the Wyoming Nonprofit Corporation Act, which shall not affect its status as a public school for any purposes under Wyoming law."
We did not find mention of whether a charter can contract with a for-profit education service provider: "A charter school may negotiate and contract with a school district, the governing body of a state college or university, or any third party for the use of a school building and grounds, the operation and maintenance thereof, and the provision of any service, activity or undertaking that the charter school is required to perform in order to carry out the educational program described in its charter."
Wyo. Stat. § 21-3-304. (d) & (j): Charter school; requirements; authority.
Is there a cap on the number of charter schools?
We did not find information about caps on charter schools in Wyoming statutes. Education Commission of the States states that Wyoming does not have caps on charters. Additionally, a Wyoming policy expert stated that Wyoming does not have a charter school cap.
Are charters required to provide transportation for any students?
In its initial application, a charter must state how it plans to meet the transportation needs of its students and whether it plans to provide transportation for students. A Wyoming policy expert stated the a public charter school must follow the same transportation regulations as any public school unless specifically waived by the district or state board.
Wyo. Stat. § 21-3-307(a)(xx) Charter application; contents; phased-in application process.
Can charter schools employ uncertified teachers?
Teachers employed on a full-time basis in the charter school system shall be subject to the same requirements with respect to certification by the Wyoming professional teaching standards board and other qualifications as any other teachers authorized to teach in Wyoming public schools.
21-7-303.(a-d) Certificate or permit required; exception:
"Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), (c) or (d) of this section, no person shall teach or supervise in a public school in this state and receive compensation therefor out of any public fund who at the time of rendering such services is not a holder of or a candidate and qualified for a certificate or permit issued or to be issued under the laws of this state and the rules and regulations of the Wyoming professional teaching standards board pursuant to W.S. 21-2-802...
b) Faculty members employed, even if for less than a calendar year, by any postsecondary education institution accredited by a regional accrediting agency may teach courses offered at a public high school in this state without holding or being qualified for a certificate or permit."
Wyo. Stat. § 21-3-308. (h) Hearing by local board; prohibited actions by local board; criteria; compliance with state standards; state board review; contractual authority.
Wyo. Stat. § 21-7-303.(a-d) Certificate or permit required; exception
Virtual School Choice
Do state statutes allow for full-time virtual schools?
Students in Wyoming may attend virtual school full-time: "'Full-time virtual education' means more than fifty percent (50%) of the required educational program is provided through virtual education by a school district established pursuant to the laws of this state."
Are virtual schools required to track attendance?
"...a school district providing full-time virtual education shall...[m]aintain the student’s records within the district’s permanent student data system including equivalent attendance as specified by department rule and regulation..."
Do virtual schools have to comply with state teacher certification requirements?
Virtual education teachers must meet state certification requirements.
Private School Choice
Does the state have voucher programs?
Does the state have educational expense tuition tax credits or deductions?
Can students use vouchers to attend religious schools?
Is there a cap on the number of students or private schools participating in voucher programs?
Are voucher students in private schools required to take any standardized tests?
Can private schools be removed from voucher programs based on performance?
Are private schools in voucher programs required to provide transportation?
Interdistrict School Choice
Does the state have interdistrict choice programs?
A student may attend a school out of district if desired and if it is more convenient or desirable because of services available.
Are receiving schools or districts required to provide transportation to any students?
A school district has to pay for transportation when it does not have a high school and must send its residents to another district.
A Wyoming policy expert stated that there is no law requiring receiving districts to provide transportation for a pupil residing in another district. This expert mentioned that the two districts typically address transportation in their written agreements.